Jan 20, 2018
Are You Ready To Do Away With The Reasons For Your Issues?
Go up to my Home page learn how easy this is ....Then Scroll through my Blog and learn more...Leave me a message and I will get back to you.

Jan 20, 2018
Improve Your Tomorrow
There are things you can do today that will improve all your tomorrows. By releasing Trapped Emotions - Gives the Body the ability to...

Jan 18, 2018
Would you like to Give and Receive Love - More Freely?
Emotions trapped in and around the Heart create a "Wall". Heart-Wall emotions can be any type of trapped emotion. This makes it...

Jan 17, 2018
Emotions Have There Own Frequencies
Everything has a vibration. In our bodies each Organs, Gland, bone or muscle has its own vibration. When we trap Emotions - the...

Jan 14, 2018
Emotions Cause Physical Effect for Animals Too.
Here's a story about Chum "{My friend} told me about her old dog, Chum, who hadn't been able to walk on one foreleg for about three weeks....

Jan 13, 2018
Rescue Animals Really Benefit From The Emotion Code
We have worked on several Dogs and Cats. Releasing emotions from any animal helps. We humans have little understanding of our Emotions...