Oct 31, 2017
Would You Like to Feel Like the Real You
Lets release those Trapped Emotions keeping you from reaching your full potential. You might have a Despair Anchor, a Broadcast Message,...

Oct 30, 2017
You Got Baggage?
These and so many more emotions are the baggage keeping us from being the best we can be. Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you...

Oct 30, 2017
Are You Ready to Open Yourself to All You Deserve ?
Heart -Walls are real! When we experience deep grief, hurt or loss the feelings of heartbreak are more than we feel we can handle. Our...

Oct 20, 2017
Probable Causes of Pain
We can release these emotions causing your symptoms of Pain....WE can Find the reasons you might be storing these emotions.... It could...

Oct 20, 2017
The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. We have been taught that the main role of the heart is to pump blood to...

Oct 19, 2017
Most Everyone Has Some Emotional Baggage!
We have emotional baggage from painful life events, right? It's not all in your head! Emotional baggage is very real, and although it's...