Sep 5, 2018
Break Out !
Wouldn't it feel great to break out of that mold you have created for yourself. If you could feel free of all your oppression's . All We...

Aug 30, 2018
Do You Feel Like You Are Going Nowhere
Instead of continuing to struggle under the weight of your negative emotions or trying to ignore the dis-ease, lets work together with...

Jul 30, 2018
Emotional Healing Can Change Your Life
"Emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, which can cause acute pain...

Jun 7, 2018
Remember You're Not Alone!
Spirits are always with us, both good and evil roam this universe. Your loved ones are around you trying to help you along your...

May 14, 2018
Other Things We Check !
We check for Physical and Spiritual Disconnections, Heart-Walls, Circuits, and Systems, Chakras and Meridians. Also imbalances in Organs...

May 14, 2018
When Heart-Walls Are Released - Love Can Be Given and Received Much Easier
Emotions trapped in and around the Heart to create a "Wall" Heart-Wall emotions can be any tpe of trapped emotion,(prenatal, inherited or...