
I became very interested in Emotional Healing after I saw a miraculous turn around in my own daughter. She had just gone through a very hard emotional trauma which led to a terrible depression and loss of her self-esteem. A friend helped her release several emotions tied to this trauma and within a matter of days I could see my daughter returning, I could finally see again the beautiful woman we had raised. I found the Program and started my studies in February of 2015. I practiced on friends and family with great success. I completed and received my Certification on December 15, 2015.
"Emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, which can cause acute pain and even diseases. Releasing negative emotional energy makes conditions right for the body to heal, so physical and emotional difficulties and pain often disappear or become much more manageable." ~ Dr. Bradley Nelson
With your permission, We (You, Me and the Creator) have the ability to release these emotions, which are the cause.

Body Code Findings &
Emotional Release Session
Finding what emotions are causing the symptoms
bothering you. Along with what might be
the underlying cause,
and releasing the emotions
about a 1/2 hour * only $35.00
Pay for Three Sessions in a month and the get
the Fourth One FREE
OR - Pay for Two in a month for only $55.00

The moment you can visualize being free from the things that hold you back, you have indeed begun to set yourself FREE!
What is The Emotion Code
The simplest way to rid yourself of emotional baggage, helping you feel free, happier, and healthier!
The technique was created and refined by a chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson, who realized that his patients’ aches and pains were more than just physically based- they were emotional. Dr. Nelson coined the phrase “trapped emotions” – negative energies that become trapped in the body during intense emotional events. Because the body is made of pure energy, the negative energy of trapped emotions can exert a damaging force on the body, which worsens over time. Trapped Emotions cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and dis-ease.
As a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner ~ We (You, Me and the Creator) can discover and release the trapped emotions, which are causing your body to have symptoms. By releasing these, your body’s natural ability to heal itself is restored. This is non-invasive, completely safe and requires very little time and effort on your part. No dredging up the past is required, which makes it very cost effective compared to other kinds of therapy. Everything discussed or discovered with me, is always confidential.
How Does It Work?
The subconscious mind is the ultra-intelligent computer system of the body; it knows just what you need to do to be healthy and happy. The Emotion Code uses specific questioning and muscle testing (kinesiology) to get answers from the subconscious about trapped emotions that need to be cleared. As soon as a trapped emotion is identified, it is ready to be released. To do this, The Emotion Code combines 2 important elements: the modern technology of therapeutic magnets and the Ancient principles of Chinese Medicine. A magnet acts as a powerful carrier for the practitioner’s intention to release the emotion. If that magnetically charged intentional energy is placed into the body via the Governing Meridian (a major energy channel in the acupuncture system), it is blasted through the body instantly and releases the emotion!
Most people say The Emotion Code helps them feel lighter and free, but we frequently see the immediate disappearance of major health and emotional issues too! Your results will depend on how many trapped emotions you have and how quickly your body responds after they are removed. Releasing trapped emotions helps restore balance to the body- so your body’s natural healing ability will be allowed to return. This means you will be able to recover gently from your ailments and gain a stronger immune system too!

After the painful death of my Husband, my Niece suggested I speak with Darcy. And so began my journey of self-healing. Darcy was able to help me release my grief, disappointment, and self-doubt as I worked through my debilitating loss. We continued to meet regularly and successfully released these buried feelings. I found my body beginning to heal. With this renewal we began to dig deeper into other trauma experiences. Our sessions have detected bad feelings directed at me by others and even the negative feelings I have had about myself. My health has improved, especially my asthma. I value every interaction I have with Darcy. She acknowledges her gift is from a higher source and her faith-based qualities bring a compassion to her work. I am blessed to have Darcy in my life as a coach, guide, and healer.
Carol M. Washington 9/6/24
After reading Darcy’s Bio about Energy Healing, I started working with her on releasing trapped emotions. I was suffering from so many emotions and knew I could and should feel better but didn’t know how to get there since traditional counseling had not helped. Darcy was able to remove many trapped negative emotions that were held within my body tied to past traumas and this has helped me to move forward with a sense of joy and happiness. Darcy is very kind and truly loves helping people and this shows in her work. She is so patient in answering any questions that I may have and I truly appreciate her. If you have any emotional or physical traumas, I would encourage you to work with her to help release any trapped negative emotions and let yourself heal to have a more joyous life. Bless you as you move forward to change your life.
D.Watson, AZ . 11/02/19
Darcy is highly skilled in the use of Body Code and Emotion Code and has been instrumental in my healing journey! As a counselor I have worked with many therapeutic techniques, but none identify and dissolve the root cause of physical and emotional pain as accurately and rapidly as this. I’ve had phone sessions with Darcy once a week for two and a half months. During that time layers of trapped trauma and emotions have been released from my energetic body. It feels like a jet engine was turned off in the background of my life! I am experiencing a level of inner peace and stillness I never thought possible. Through work with Darcy my moods and hormones have stabilized, and physical pain, anxiety, restlessness and longing have dramatically calmed in me. I am able to navigate challenging circumstances with less reactivity and more presence and intentionality. I’m grateful to God for the way this work has healed me and awakened me to the deeper realities of our human experience!
Jessica W. Nashville, TN 10/11/18
My life and my family’s life have greatly benefitted from the energy healing we have received from Darcy. I didn’t know a lot about energy healing when I first started working with Darcy, but the difference it has made in all our lives is amazing. Unknown to me I had a lot of trapped traumas in my body from both circumstances in my own life but also from past generations resulting in anxiety and physical manifestations. Since working with Darcy, I have been relieved from many of my physical manifestations, have less anxiety and my family members have also benefitted. Our paths are clearer and there is less confusion. I regained my passions and enthusiasm to pursue my life purpose and path. Investing in energy healing with Darcy is the best decision I have made, and the outcome has been so impactful and life changing.
Lisa S BC, Canada 5/23/23
I was introduced to Emotion Code about 2 years ago. I received several sessions and knew real fast this is what I needed. Now 2 years later I knew I needed it again not just for me but my kids also. I have a 11 yr. Vaccine damaged child and everyday of his life has been an emotional roller-coaster. We have tried everything and spent 1000's. A friend of mine told me about Darcy and after contacting her I knew she really wanted to help my son. After her first session with my son she was spot on with what the Bio Feedback testing showed about which organs were not working at a 100% also a nice refreshing seance of calmness came over my son. Darcy agreed my son was a special case and has reached out to me to help him further. She is Heaven sent and I am so grateful I found her when I did. She is wonderful at what she does and her whole heart is in it. So once again Darcy I thank you from my heart to yours. God Bless
Sherry : North Carolina
"For most of my life, I have been struggling with anxiety, eating disorders, phobias etc. Supplements and medications helped, but I wasn't all better; I desperately needed help. After finding Darcy, I have finally found relief through the work "We" (God, Darcy, and me) have done. After exhausting other options, the Creator has provided healing through Darcy. Darcy cares more about helping people than about money. I am deeply grateful for this Divine assistance and for Darcy."
Susannah Bear - Orem, Utah
Darcy has done a wonderful job working on my newborn daughter. She goes from fussy to peacefully resting. I like the emails with the work that was completed, she is also very quick to help anytime I reach out. Thanks for all you do Darcy! You have a customer for life.
Lindsay Pendic - Arizona
I was diagnosed with a rare DNA blood disease in May 2015. I have known Darcy for about 5 yrs and she shared of her training and intent to help others as an emotional healer. I am in the field of helping people change and learn self-care. I knew this type of treatment has been known to help people become healthier and more emotionally stable. Darcy was professional, caring, and insightful with what she discovered. It was not invasive. She just gave me information on what She discovered and what she released with her expertise. I do believe it helped thru the combination of self-care and Darcy's releasing of emotions from my body. My blood work at my last Dr. 's visit had improved by 5 points. The doctor was pleased as was I. I do believe it was a combination of good self-care and the work Darcy did with my body and emotions that helped my body stabilize more with a disease that can harm me.
I would suggest anyone who is struggling with physical and emotional concerns to strongly consider being assessed by Darcy. She is professional and follows confidential guidelines. I also was consistently approached by her in a caring way with focused communication.
Lee R. - Mesa, AZ.
I have been working with Darcy since May of 2017. I had previously read the Emotion Code book and wanted to find a practitioner to work with here in Phoenix. We started our relationship with just a phone call, but her warm energy and the caring tone in her voice, led me to work with her with approximately 4 sessions a month. I have always struggled with my weight, but I felt that I was using my weight as “protection”. After working with Darcy, and the good Lord, I have found that releasing the trapped emotions inside of me has also had a lovely side effect - weight loss! I have lost 40 pounds to date through intuitive eating, healing my body, and energy work. I feel that Darcy’s work greatly assisted with me- giving my body permission to shed the negative self talk and harmful trapped emotions, and in result the weight I have been carrying for many years. ~ Thank you Darcy for all your loving work that you have done for me!
Rita F:Phoenix 2/3/18

Darcy Trumbull ~ Safford, Az
texted me @ 480-721-6828
This can be done in person, on the phone,
or via email.
People ask how does that work...I tell them, kind of like a cell phone. Our energy field can communicate at any distance.
Get In Touch